Drone E58 and 501C Review 2022
The Appeal of Drones
When it comes to drones, I have always been fascinated by their uniqueness. Drones are like regular kites but with a camera and a remote control. I believe that anyone who can create a drone is extraordinary, as I myself lack the skills to build one. In this review, I will discuss two models that I own, the Drone E58 and the 501C.
Drone E58
The Drone E58 is the first drone I purchased. It is not a GPS drone, which means I can’t fly it too far. I can only confidently fly it up to a kilometer away. However, as a beginner, it is recommended to start with a lower-priced drone like the E58, priced at around 300 dollars. Learning how to control a drone is the key to successfully flying one.
Bravery and Skill
Based on reviews from experienced drone pilots, bravery and skill are the two main factors needed to fly a high-end drone worth millions. Flying a drone at such heights is not an easy task. It is like sending a mobile phone a kilometer or more into the air. Controlling the drone with a remote control or a smartphone application requires immense focus and skill. It is crucial to consider factors such as weather conditions, altitude, and heat. However, even with all the precautions, flying a drone is still risky, as it can attract unwanted attention, such as birds.
My Experience
As a drone enthusiast, I have only experienced a crash once. Fortunately, it fell into the sand, causing minimal damage to the drone and its propellers. I was able to repair it quickly and continue flying.
501C GPS Drone
Besides the Drone E58, I also own the 501C GPS drone. This model gives me more confidence to fly further as it has a built-in GPS system. With the GPS feature, I can fly it beyond one kilometer with ease. The 501C is a more advanced and expensive option compared to the E58, but it provides a better flying experience.
Drone E58
Drone E58 merupakan drone yang kecil dan ringan. Meskipun tidak memiliki sensor, drone ini cukup kuat dan tidak mudah rusak meskipun sering jatuh. Dalam penggunaannya, drone ini mudah dihidupkan karena menggunakan remote dengan baterai kecil.
Drone 501C 2022
Drone 501C 2022 memiliki sedikit harga yang lebih mahal daripada drone E58. Drone ini lebih berat dan disarankan untuk menggunakannya dengan aplikasi untuk mengoptimalkan kontrolnya. Drone ini juga memiliki kamera bagus yang dapat mengambil gambar dari atas dan bawah.
Kelebihan dan Kekurangan Drone
Drone E58 memiliki kelebihan kuat dan tahan jatuh, namun kurang stabil karena tidak memiliki sensor. Drone 501C 2022 memiliki kelebihan kontrol yang lebih baik dengan aplikasi, namun tidak dapat dilakukan kalibrasi seperti drone E58.
Dua drone ini sangat berguna untuk pembelajaran terbang drone. Drone E58 cocok untuk pemula, sedangkan drone 501C 2022 lebih cocok untuk pengguna yang sudah memiliki pengalaman. Meskipun ada beberapa kekurangan, kedua drone ini masih dapat memberikan pengalaman terbang yang baik.
In conclusion, owning a drone requires bravery and skill. Starting with a beginner-friendly, lower-priced drone, such as the E58, is recommended to learn the basics. As you gain experience, you can move on to more advanced models, like the 501C, which offer better features. Remember to always fly drones responsibly and consider the safety of others and the environment.