The DJI Drone’s Automatic Flight Features
The new 4K HDR DJI Drone comes equipped with advanced features that allow for automatic flight along a specified route. These features are particularly useful for capturing complex shots such as Dolly zoom and POI drift. Additionally, the flight routes can be saved and repeated at different times, allowing you to capture the changes that occur over different seasons and throughout the day.
Setting Up Obstacle Avoidance
Prior to enabling the Waypoint flight mode, it is important to set up the obstacle avoidance action. This can be done by accessing the settings of the DJI Fly app and checking the obstacle avoidance action in the safety tab. By setting up obstacle avoidance, the aircraft will be able to detect and avoid obstacles during its Waypoint flight. If obstacles are detected, the aircraft will either bypass them or break the flight route, depending on the chosen settings.
Enabling Waypoint Flight
The Waypoint flight mode can be enabled by tapping on the Waypoint flight icon, located on the left side of the camera view. Once enabled, you can begin adding waypoints and POIs (points of interest). There are three different ways to add waypoints:
- Using the operation panel: Tap the plus icon on the operation panel to add a waypoint.
- Using the remote controller: Press the FN button on the DJI RCN2 remote controller or the C1 button on the DJI RC2 remote controller to add a waypoint.
- Using the map: Enter the map view and tap on the desired location to add a waypoint.
It is recommended to add waypoints during the flight using either the remote controller or the operation panel. This not only allows for convenient framing of shots, but also helps eliminate the risk of the aircraft colliding with potential obstacles along the flight route.
Points of Interest (POI)
If you have a specific subject that you want the aircraft to keep facing towards, you can add one or more points of interest (POI). By enabling the POI feature, the aircraft will automatically adjust its flight path to keep the subject in view. To enter the POI operation panel, tap on the POI option.
Overall, the new 4K HDR DJI Drone’s automatic flight features, including Waypoint flight and POI, provide users with advanced capabilities for capturing unique and professional shots. Whether you are a professional photographer or an enthusiast looking to elevate your aerial photography game, this drone is sure to impress with its innovative features and stunning image quality.
Adding POI and Adjusting Waypoints
When using the remote controller operation panel or the map, you have the option to add Points of Interest (POI). If you need to adjust the waypoints or POI locations, simply enter the map view and press and hold the Waypoint or POI icon. You can then drag it to your preferred location.
Setting Parameters for Waypoints
Once you have finished adding the points, the aircraft automatically records the related parameters for these points. To adjust the parameters, tap on the Waypoint number on the operation panel. Here, you can set parameters such as Camera Action, altitude, speed, heading, gimbal tilt, zoom, and hovering time.
Recording Video During Waypoint Flight
If you want to record a video during the Waypoint flight, set the start and waypoints camera action to start recording. If a POI is set, you can also set the heading and gimbal tilt towards the POI. By tapping “apply to all”, this setting will be applied to all the waypoints. Once the flight completes, select the final Waypoint and set the camera action to stop recording.
Deleting Waypoints and Setting POI
To delete a currently selected Waypoint, tap the delete icon on the upper left corner of the panel. After finishing setting the parameters for all the waypoints, switch to the POI operation panel. Tap the POI number and adjust the altitude to the relative altitude between the subject and the takeoff point. You can also link the POI to waypoints. One POI can be linked to multiple waypoints.
Setting Parameters for the Flight Route
To set parameters for the flight route, tap next after linking the POI to waypoints. Here, you can adjust parameters such as Global speed, the behavior for the end of the flight on signal loss, and the start point.
The Settings for Flight Behavior
The settings for the DJI drone camera can be adjusted to customize the behavior of the aircraft during flight. These settings apply to all waypoints, ensuring consistency throughout the flight task. There are two main settings to consider: the behavior for end of flight and the behavior for signal loss.
End of Flight Behavior
The behavior for end of flight refers to what the aircraft will do once it completes the designated flight task. There are three options to choose from: hover, RTH (Return to Home), or back to start. It is recommended to set the behavior for end of flight to hover. This allows the drone to hover in place once the flight task is finished, providing a safer landing option.
Signal Loss Behavior
The behavior for signal loss determines what the aircraft will do if the remote controller signal is lost during flight. Again, there are three options to choose from: RTH, hover, or land. It is recommended to set the behavior for signal loss to RTH. This ensures that the drone will automatically return to the home point if the signal is lost, reducing the risk of losing the aircraft.
Flight Route Settings
Before taking off, it is important to check the surrounding environment and ensure that there are no obstacles along the planned flight route. The settings for flight route apply to all waypoints and should be carefully considered to avoid any accidents or collisions.
Uploading and Controlling Waypoint Flight Task
Once the flight route is planned, you can upload the waypoint flight task to the DJI drone camera. This can be done by tapping the ‘Go’ button. Once the upload is complete, the aircraft will automatically begin the task. The camera view will display important information such as flight duration, waypoints, and distance.
During the task, you have the option to control the flight manually. You can pause the task by tapping the pause icon, end the task by tapping the stop icon, or continue the task by tapping the continue icon. Additionally, you can adjust the flight speed by using the pitch stick.
Saving Waypoint Flight Task
If you would like to save the waypoint flight task for future use, you can do so by saving it in the library. When planning a waypoint flight, the task will be automatically generated and saved. To access the library and save the task manually, tap the list icon located on the upper left corner of the Waypoint operation panel.
In the library, you will be able to view and manage your saved tasks. You can open and edit tasks, change the task name by tapping the pencil icon, delete tasks by sliding left, or rearrange the order by tapping the icon on the upper right corner.
By carefully adjusting the settings and utilizing the waypoint flight feature, you can enhance your DJI drone camera’s capabilities and capture stunning aerial footage.
Review of the New 4K HDR DJI Drone Camera
Waypoint Music Flight
The DJI Drone Camera comes equipped with a unique feature called Waypoint Music Flight. To access this feature, simply tap on the Waypoint flight icon located on the left side of the camera view. Once you have enabled Waypoint flight, you can save and exit your tasks in the library. This feature allows you to create a customized flight path for your drone while enjoying your favorite music.
POI Drift Shot
Another impressive feature of the DJI Drone Camera is the ability to capture POI drift shots. To execute this function, follow the steps below:
1. Takeoff: After launching your drone, locate your subject and adjust the aircraft’s distance and height accordingly.
2. Enable Waypoint flight: Tap on the Waypoint flight icon on the left side of the camera view. This will activate the Waypoint flight feature.
3. Add Waypoints: Fly the aircraft over the subject and add a Point of Interest (POI) as the center. Then, fly the drone in the opposite direction of the first waypoint and add a second waypoint.
4. Camera Action Settings: Set the camera action to start recording at the first waypoint. Adjust the heading and gimbal tilt towards the POI. Apply these settings to both waypoints. Make any additional necessary adjustments.
5. Stop Recording: At the second waypoint, set the camera action to stop recording. Switch to the POI operation panel and adjust the altitude relative to the subject and the takeoff point.
6. Flight Route Setting: Tap next to enter the flight route setting panel. Ensure that the speed is not too fast, with a recommended limit of 2. Ms. Set the drone to hover and proceed to upload and perform the task.
The DJI Drone Camera’s Waypoint Music Flight and POI Drift Shot features provide users with a unique and innovative way to capture stunning aerial footage. With the ability to create customized flight paths and adjust camera settings, this drone camera opens up endless possibilities for both amateur and professional photographers. Upgrade to the new 4K HDR DJI Drone Camera today and experience the latest advancements in aerial photography technology.